Blessings in the Wilderness

    Have you ever been at a point in your life when you realize you are in a season of wilderness? Well, I am pretty sure I am in a wilderness season. I am at a point in my life where I am trying to find my way. But I must admit God has been with me every step of the way. Now don’t get me wrong I had a moment where I felt like God had forgotten about me and my faith wavered greatly. I knew I had to climb myself out of that rut of feeling down and out.

    So I had to have an honest talk with God and tell him exactly how I feel. I remember telling God I don’t like this and when are you going to get me to the other side. I ended the prayer with I don’t understand God but I trust you. I surrender all of my problems to you and I said my life is in your hands.

    During this season of my life, God has revealed a few things to me. One of the things he has revealed to me is my faith. He showed me that I needed to have more faith in him and to stop trying to do everything on my own. I was reading my daily devotional this morning and it spoke on self-reliance. So I looked up the word self-reliance and it means “ reliance on one’s own power and resources rather than those of others.” Yeah, that was me! Can anyone else relate? I didn’t like asking for help. I always try to make things happen on my own depending on my strength and resources. God was showing me that I can’t do anything without him. Everything I have gotten in the past is from him and all of my presence blessings are from God. Not by my own doing but everything is a blessing from God.

      In this season of my life, God has taught me that I am not in control but he is. It is great to be independent but don’t forget who your true source is, which is God. Our jobs and other things we have are just resources. God is our main source and we can’t do anything without the Father. I mentioned earlier how I asked God when is this difficult season going to end. I have realized during this season there is a lesson I have to learn. There’s a test I have to pass. So try not to look at the wilderness season as a bad thing. Don’t rush through it but see it as a learning experience and a chance to grow a closer relationship with God.

     The reason I titled this blog “Blessings in the Wilderness” is because even though I am going through a setback God is still blessing me. I’m not where I would like to be but I am going to continue to hold on because I know God has an amazing plan for my future. In this season my relationship with God has gotten stronger. Each day my faith is a little bit stronger than the day before. I’ve been spending more time with God in prayer, reading my Bible more, and meditating. During this season I have become a little wiser because God is revealing more of himself to me. I also mention surrendering to God.

    I began to pray to God and I asked him to help me on my journey of surrendering to him. Surrendering means to give up our will and surrender to God’s will. I realize now that I need God in all areas of my life, not just some so I want to surrender my entire life to God. As I mentioned earlier I was so used to being able to control certain areas in my life but when things happened that were out of my control I would overthink. I found myself worrying and God doesn’t want us to worry. God wants us to come to him and ask for help. And after you ask God for help you must trust he will make a way for you. God wanted me to know that I needed to surrender to him and stop trying to do things in my strength. God doesn’t want us overthinking but he wants us to depend on him in all areas of our lives. I will be lying if I said this was easy because it is not. I think most of us are used to trying to figure things out on our own. I have learned that some things are not meant for us to figure out. God doesn’t want us sitting around twiddling our thumbs trying to figure out every single situation on our own. He wants us to come to him in prayer. He wants us to give all of our worries and cares to him.

   Surrendering to God means I have to give up control of my life and give it over to God. 1 Peter 5:7 says “Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares for you.” I knew that is what I needed to do, give all of my cares to God. God loves us and we have to remember that he is in control and he will always take care of us.

    I also learned that if the devil knows he can control your mind, you will have a hard time surrendering to God. So how do we fix that? We fix that by staying prayed up, giving God the praise and reading God‘s word. God‘s word is powerful! When you read God‘s word and keep his promises in your heart and mind that will change the game. You have to keep your mind stayed on Jesus and his promises for your life.

    So I want to encourage you to continue to keep your trust in God. If you are in a season of wilderness always remember God is with you and God is in control. Continue to rely on God and don’t give up. Keep your faith up and your Hope up. I believe and declare you will get through this. Don't waste another minute stressing about your situation but give it over to God and see how God brings you through.    



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