Making Time for God

      I was sitting at work a few days ago, and I was thinking to myself. I was thinking about how I’ve been slacking on making time for God. I started to notice that my prayer time started to get less and less. I recently started a new job and I let the change in my schedule cause me to spend less time with God. I think all of us as Christians have experienced this. The great thing is we can always go back to God and he will be waiting for us with open arms. I’m sharing this with you because I had a moment where I was disappointed in myself and I don’t want you to beat yourself up about it. Life happens to the best of us. As long as you acknowledge what is happening you can begin your journey of spending more time with God. I realized that I had to do some things differently to make time for God. I would like to share with you a few things I started to do.

    One of the first things I decided to do is wake up earlier. I know, I know we all want to stay in bed and get that last few minutes of sleep in. For me, I knew if I woke up earlier I had more time to do more things. So before I started to prepare for work I started my day with God first. The first thing I did was I started my day praying to God. Prayer is such a great way to have a conversation with God. Take the time to thank him for all he has done and for waking you up this morning. After I pray I like to sit in silence to meditate. I sit in silence to listen to what God has to tell me. Remember when you pray you are talking to God and when you sit in silence to meditate you are listening to God speak to you. The next thing I do is I read a devotional. I love devotionals because it starts with a scripture of the day. It has words of reflection and a prayer. One of the devotionals I have is a morning and evening devotional. The devotional is called “ For I Know the Plans.” Below I will have a picture of the devotional that I read and a picture of today’s devotional. I purchased it from Ross and I love it.



       Another way to make time with God is through praise and worship. While at home or in your car, you can have a worship party praising God. While I am driving I have my gospel music playing and I’ll be singing along and having a good ole time. So before I even walk into work, I am fired up and ready to start my day because I started my day with God.  




      Another great way to make time with God is during your lunch break at work. When you go on break, you can go to your car and sit in silence to meditate. You can use that time to read a few verses in your Bible and pray. I do believe when you take the time to do this it will give you the strength you need to finish up your day at work. Especially if you are having a bad day. God’s strength will help you and guide you.

      The last thing I have is to end your day with God.  Before you turn off the lights to go to sleep, take the time to talk to God. Thank him for protecting you throughout your day and bringing you back home safely. Take the time to read a few scriptures from the Bible or end the night with a devotional. Lately I have been ending the night reading the scripture of the day on the youversion app. I love this app because it has a scripture of the day, it also has a person explaining the verse in more detail and a guided prayer. This app has so much more great things as well. Definitely check it out if you haven’t already. These are a few things that I have done that have helped me and I pray it can help you as well.

        Before we bring in the New Year 2023. Let’s start now to spend more time with God. Speaking of the New Year I pray you Have a Safe and HAPPY NEW YEAR! I pray that 2023 is good to you and God continues to bless you in the New Year. Happy New Year and God bless.



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1 comment

  • Shelby

    Youversion is my favorite app. A couple of my friends and I do Bible plans together as a form of fellowship with each other and a way for us(me) to get closer to God.

    Spending time with God is definitely the key.

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