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Making Time for God

I was sitting at work a few days ago, and I was thinking to myself. I was thinking about how I’ve been slacking on making time for God. I started to notice that my prayer time started to get less and ...

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A Call To Persevere

  Have you ever had a moment in your life where you felt so frustrated and discouraged? Well, I had one of those moments the other day. I was going through a situation where I wanted to quit and throw in the towel.          So I prayed to God about it and he showed me what to do immediately. After I finished praying I began to read my devotional for the day and the topic was Persevere. Perseverance is the act of continuing to do something even though the task is difficult and involves obstacles.    What I learned from that devotional is trusting God plays a big part in our ability to persevere. You must have faith...

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You Are Forgiven

    The other day my mind started to wander. I started to think about my past mistakes and the people who hurt me in my past. I have no idea why my mind went there but it did. After so many thoughts that played in my mind, I began to cry. I had to take a step back and ask myself, why am I dwelling in the past? I begin to pray about it. I asked God to help me to forgive the people that hurt me in my past and to let it go. I had to remind myself to focus on today and not my past mistakes. We all have made mistakes and you can’t beat yourself...

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