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Let Go and Let God

 I was sitting in my living room and I was worried about my finances. I started praying to God for guidance and clarity. After I was done praying I closed my eyes and sat in silence to meditate. I was listening for a word from God. After a few moments of silence, I heard the Holy Spirit say to me “Let Go and Let God”. I heard it clear as day. I opened my eyes and I said it out loud “Let go and Let God.” I asked God for confirmation if this was him speaking and not me. The next thing I heard was…it will be in the book I am reading.      The book I am currently...

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A Call To Persevere

  Have you ever had a moment in your life where you felt so frustrated and discouraged? Well, I had one of those moments the other day. I was going through a situation where I wanted to quit and throw in the towel.          So I prayed to God about it and he showed me what to do immediately. After I finished praying I began to read my devotional for the day and the topic was Persevere. Perseverance is the act of continuing to do something even though the task is difficult and involves obstacles.    What I learned from that devotional is trusting God plays a big part in our ability to persevere. You must have faith...

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Delighting in God's Word

    As I sit on my bed reading the Bible I am amazed at all of the amazing stories. I love how the Bible teaches us how to live a more Godly life. It’s like instructions and guidance all in one book. I recently just read the book of Galatians and I thoroughly enjoyed it. This book in the Bible reminded me of how to live more Christlike. It was so many verses that stood out to me and I wanted to share a couple of them with you.        Galatian 5:16 says…“So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves.” I was reminded to let the...

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